World Class Horse Food Deserves World Class Branding and Design

No BS, Just the Details:

Website Design and Development

Website Outline

Website Outline

Website Outline

  • 10 Pages
  • 1 Calculator
  • 2 Forms
  • 1 Distributor Map
  • 1 E-Commerce Product
  • Silent Header Video
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Company intro/brief
    • Mission Statement
    • General Overview of Services
  • Links to internal pages
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
About Us
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Credentials
    • Why we made it – EZ
    • NRC – Science based
    • Product Ingredients
    • Our VIZION for the future
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
Our Products (Overview)
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Brief introduction to product lines
    • EZ-Performance Summary
    • EZ-VTM Summary
    • EZ-Next Gen Summary
    • EZ RX Info
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
--EZ-Next Gen
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • Includes 1 product
    • EZ-VTM Pail/Bucket
Contact Us
  • Contact form
  • Nutrition Phone
  • Vet Phone
  • Manufacturing Phone
  • Email
How to Buy
  • Shawnee Mills Store
  • Interactive Distributor Map
  • Locations coming soon (Ada)
  • Request for area

Website Design and Development

We specialize in transforming raw business ideas into professional and polished web pages using WordPress and Elementor. We make sure that any websites we develop have well designed fronts to ensure an optimal user experience.

Website Buildout

At the core of our website buildout services is a team of experienced designers and developers who work closely with clients to understand their unique business needs and goals. We create customized websites that are not only visually appealing but also optimized for search engines, ensuring maximum visibility and reach. Our e-commerce solutions enable businesses to sell their products and services online, while our content creation services help build a strong brand identity and engage with customers. With our website buildout services, businesses can establish a solid online presence, increase their credibility, and expand their customer base.

Website Outline

Website Outline

Website Outline

  • 10 Pages
  • 1 Calculator
  • 2 Forms
  • 1 Distributor Map
  • 1 E-Commerce Product
  • Silent Header Video
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Company intro/brief
    • Mission Statement
    • General Overview of Services
  • Links to internal pages
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
About Us
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Credentials
    • Why we made it – EZ
    • NRC – Science based
    • Product Ingredients
    • Our VIZION for the future
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
Our Products (Overview)
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Brief introduction to product lines
    • EZ-Performance Summary
    • EZ-VTM Summary
    • EZ-Next Gen Summary
    • EZ RX Info
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
--EZ-Next Gen
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • Includes 1 product
    • EZ-VTM Pail/Bucket
Contact Us
  • Contact form
  • Nutrition Phone
  • Vet Phone
  • Manufacturing Phone
  • Email
How to Buy
  • Shawnee Mills Store
  • Interactive Distributor Map
  • Locations coming soon (Ada)
  • Request for area

On-site video/photo-shoot

An on-location video/photo-shoot is an excellent way for businesses to capture high-quality images and footage for their marketing campaigns. Our team of professionals can travel to your location to shoot promotional videos, corporate headshots, or product images. With our expertise in photography and videography, we can help you create compelling visual content that will attract and engage your target audience.

Compelling Header Video for Home Page

A silent header video on your web page can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience and driving conversions. By using visuals to tell your brand story, you can capture your audience’s attention and communicate your message quickly and effectively. Silent videos are also user-friendly, allowing visitors to watch without disrupting their browsing experience. By featuring a video at the top of your website, you can create a strong first impression and increase engagement.

2 Hours for services, updates, and support in the first 30 days

We understand that technology problems can be frustrating and time-consuming, and our goal is to make the resolution process as smooth and easy as possible. You can reach us either by phone or through a screen-based method, such as live chat or remote desktop support.

Website and Email Hosting

Our cloud based web and email hosting offers an innovative platform for our clients. Not only does it reduce the dependency on stand alone systems, it creates a powerful connectivity that is the standard for many businesses today.

We're GoDaddy Pro Members

We purchase top tier access to faster, more reliable servers; as well as utilize some of GoDaddy Pro’s unique website development tools.

Website Outline

Website Outline

Website Outline

  • 10 Pages
  • 1 Calculator
  • 2 Forms
  • 1 Distributor Map
  • 1 E-Commerce Product
  • Silent Header Video
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Company intro/brief
    • Mission Statement
    • General Overview of Services
  • Links to internal pages
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
About Us
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Credentials
    • Why we made it – EZ
    • NRC – Science based
    • Product Ingredients
    • Our VIZION for the future
  • Testimonial/Reviews slider
Our Products (Overview)
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Brief introduction to product lines
    • EZ-Performance Summary
    • EZ-VTM Summary
    • EZ-Next Gen Summary
    • EZ RX Info
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
--EZ-Next Gen
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • 250-500 words of copywriting that is optimized for search engine results
    • Product Introduction/ Description
    • Feeding Instructions
  • Feed/Dosage Calculator
  • Includes 1 product
    • EZ-VTM Pail/Bucket
Contact Us
  • Contact form
  • Nutrition Phone
  • Vet Phone
  • Manufacturing Phone
  • Email
How to Buy
  • Shawnee Mills Store
  • Interactive Distributor Map
  • Locations coming soon (Ada)
  • Request for area

Website Build


1 Time

Ongoing Services



The Next Steps

The Next Steps

The Next Steps

The Next Steps

With no delays your website should be live by 12 May 2023!

Discussion and Contract

Review the contents of this proposal thoroughly and then we will have a collaborative discussion to produce a comprehensive contract that satisfies all parties involved. The contract will be signed electronically and will incorporate official timelines and payment instructions.

Creative Brief and Asset Collection

We will schedule a time for you to meet with and discuss your creative ideas for the website.  Our artist and designers will have specific questions to help them better realize your vision.

Additionally, we will schedule a time for one of our field producers to capture visually stunning media to use on your website. Previously there was discussion of shooting at a horse show in Tulsa, OK.

Website Creation

Your website will exist on this staging site until the design is complete.  Here you will have access to review the staging site at any time so you can see/monitor the progress of your build.

Feedback/suggestions are welcome and encouraged throughout the build process.

Website Handoff/Launch

Once your website design is complete we will schedule a training session either in person, over the phone, or on screen, to teach you the basics of maintaining your website.

Additionally, we provide 2 hours of free consultation in the first 30 days after launch for services and support.

It’s important to transform your website goals into reality, and we are here to help guide you through the process. From creating a vision of how you want your website to look, all the way to implementing solutions and taking action on them, you won’t have to go through the experience alone. We look forward to supporting you at every step and seeing the end result—your website doing what it’s meant to do.

We want to thank you for considering us for your website design needs.